
English Language and Literature Prep. Classes 3rd Midterm Exams

Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University

2019-2020 Spring Term

English Language and Literature Prep. Classes 3rd Midterm Exams

March 16, 2020 12.15 Mini Amphitheatre Basic English Skills by Buğra Zengin

March 17, 2020 10.30-12.15 252 or 254 Prep B- Speaking  and 15.30-17.30 Prep A Speaking by Tuğçe Bıçakçı Syed

March 17, 2020 12.15 Mini Amphitheatre Writing by Suzan Deniz

March 18, 2020 12.15 Mini Amphitheatre Reading by Narin Fidan

March 19, 2020 12.15 Mini Amphitheatre Grammar by Nuriye Akkaş

March 20, 2020 8.30-12.00 252 or 254 Speaking by Suzan Deniz


Students who are late for exams for more than 5 minutes will not be allowed to take the exams. 

Good luck.